One World Martial Arts offers instruction in the incredibly effective and beautiful arts of Myanmar. Under the umbrella term “Thaing” the fighting arts of Myanmar are perhaps the most well rounded and effective system of self-defense, sport, and art in the world. Unfortunately, access to these arts has been hard to find historically both because of the political realities of the region, and the scarcity of qualified instructors.
The One World Martial Arts Academy is located at 7801 N. Lamar Blvd, Suite B150, Austin, Texas, and our home school, One World Karate, offers Classes or Private Lessons for every citizen, regardless of physical, emotional, social, or educational needs.

We are your Austin Martial Arts School of choice. And we are confident that we are the best-trained instructors in Austin.
The school has several programs tailored to children and adults who often may find themselves stuck on the outside of mainstream activities. They are our focus, but the classes are open and adaptable to all who come seeking instruction. Our adapted programs are specially designed for students with physical needs that are most often addressed through occupational or physical therapy. We are also dedicated to integrating the classes to the utmost practical extent, while still adhering to the highest educational standards..
The School is a true Academy style of instruction. We call ourselves an Austin Karate school to prevent confusion about the styles being taught. The ranking of students is through the One World Martial Arts Federation with oversight from the International Thiang Bando Association.
This school is the culmination of a 12-year dream of Teacher Carroll, who prefers to be called Sayagyi Dan. He has been refining this program since its inception in 2003, and assumes it will continue to be refined, adapted, modified, and improved for the rest of his life.